It's not that I don't want to. I even thought up a lot of fun articles, but it was the getting around to writing them that's really the issue. I wanted to write about Fort Boyard, which is sadly coming to an end next week, and just things that are exclusively French that really would be something that I could show people and get them interested in. Or I wanted to talk about the car trouble we had, and the fun of trying to translate head gasket into French or figure out what on earth a "courroie de distribution" is in English. Then, I sit down on the couch, and there's an old episode of Oliver's Twist on. And then I fall asleep.
I think it's a two pronged problem. First and foremost; the spirit is willing, but the flesh wants to be on Google +. (I'm serious. If you're not on, get on. I'd love to have you all circled!) I just really enjoy all the stuff that comes through. It's not a million notices about what people ate or why their job sucks. It's where I find the most interesting stories, and infographics. Unlike facebook, these are all people that I don't know from Adam. There just fascinating people that I've met who post about things that interest me. I just get to a certain point of the day, and I just don't feel like typing much more than three sentences, or just want to make witty retorts.
Secondly, I think I've been doing too much compartmentalization. I have my facebook account that was for people I knew in real life, G+ for people that I met and found fascinating, livejournal for personal thoughts, and blogger I always tried to keep more about life in France. I think that may be the problem though. With all the division and gates that I've put up, I don't remember the last time I actually made a post on Livejournal at all. I check the blog roll I put up forever ago, but I need to update that. Facebook and G+ are about all I do anymore, because they're quick and I can get me some instant gratification.
So I'm going to try and use this site as a regular blog. We'll see how this goes and if I do post more ultimately. Hope to see you all around soon.
So I'm going to try and use this site as a regular blog. We'll see how this goes and if I do post more ultimately. Hope to see you all around soon.